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readers reading

well, this got weird…

What the actual fuck is happening in this world. I honestly don’t even know where to begin. There’s been too much, way too much for me to get through. So I’m not going to. We know where we’ve been and where we are. Will we make it? I fucking hope so. When the Covid shit […]

2020 read harder challenge update

Here we are, a quarter of the way through this year’s challenge! I’m stoked with my progress so far. Keep reading to see what I’ve been up to!

love language of the book lover

I had a conversation with a friend recently about the concept of love languages and whether or not it stood up as a paradigm through which we can view our needs and wants in a relationship.

a note on eleven years

January 16 marks one of the most important milestones in my life. On this day in 2009, I got sober.

the final count

Goodbye, 2019. Hello, 2020! So that’s that. I’ve done a lot of reading this year, some of it great, some of it really, really not great. But it’s over. 50 books done and dusted. Here’s a look back at everything I’ve read in 2019. Happy New Year!

exceeding the goal

Every year I set a goal for myself for how many books I’d like to read throughout the year. I started doing this in earnest in 2015, about a year or so after I had joined Goodreads. Goodreads encourages its users to set a goal and makes tracking your stats very easy; what books you’ve […]

and the finalists are…

I’ve finally selected the books I’m planning on reading for the 2020 Read Harder Challenge. As I’ve said before, I’m not too excited by this year’s categories, so I may end up choosing other books to read depending on how this goes. But here’s what I have so far.

2020 read harder reading challenge

It’s that time of year again! And I don’t mean Christmas. Book Riot has released their categories for 2020’s Read Harder Challenge. This will be my fourth year participating in the challenge, out of the six total challenges to date. I’ve had a chance to go through the categories and so far, I’m only mildly […]

2019 read harder update

Every year since 2016, I’ve participated in Book Riot’s Read Harder reading challenge. The challenge involves reading a total of 24 books from a set of categories provided by Book Riot. The categories are designed to push you outside of your typical comfort zones when it comes to book genres. They also prioritize reading books […]